Smith, Axel

Smith, e3 Poison
A 21st Century Opening Repertoire
392 S., kart., 2017
25,99 EUR
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Smith, Pump up Your Rating (softcover)
375 S., kart., 2013

Any man in the street knows how to increase his physical strength, but among most chess players confusion reigns whenit comes to improving their playing strength. Axel Smith's training methods have guided his friends, teammates andpupils to grandmaster norms and titles. Hard work will be required, but Axel Smith knows how you Pump Up Your Rating.
Every aera of chess is covered - opening preparation, through middlegame play, to endgame technique. SMith delves into both the technical and psychological sides of chess, and shows how best to practise and improve.
24,99 EUR
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Smith/Tikkanen, The Woodpecker Method (kart.)
392 S., geb., 2018

The Woodpecker Method is the name given by Axel Smith to a training system developed by his compatriot and co-author Hans Tikkanen. After training with his method in 2010, Tikkanen achieved three GM norms within a seven-week period.
The quick explanation of the Woodpecker Method is that you need to solve a large number of puzzles in a row; then solve the same puzzles again and again, only faster. It’s not a lazy shortcut to success – hard work is required. But the reward can be re-programming your unconscious mind. Benefits include sharper tactical vision, fewer blunders, better play when in time trouble and improved intuition.
This book contains everything you need to carry out your own Woodpecker training. Smith and Tikkanen explain how to get the maximum benefit from the method, before presenting over 1100 puzzles and solutions, all of which have been checked and double-checked for accuracy and suitability.
27,99 EUR
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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