Bikhovsky, The Closed Spanish
Karpov/Zaitsev Systems
141 S., kart., 1993
141 S., kart., 1993
1 Zaitsev System (9...Bb7): Introduction
2 Zaitsev System: Main Line
3 Fifteenth Move Alternatives for Black
4 Thirteenth Move Alternatives for Black
5 Thirteenth Move Alternatives for White
6 12...d7
7 12.a3
8 12.a3 h6 13.Bc2 Nb8 14.b4
9 12.Bc2 g6 and Others
10 12.Bc2 Nb8 13.a4
11 12.Bc2 Nb8 13.b4
12 12.Bc2 Nb8 13.b3
13 12.Ng5 and 12.d5
14 11.Ng5 and 11.Bg5
15 11.a4
16 Tenth Move Alternatives for Black
17 10.d3
18 Karpov System (9...Nd7): Introduction
19 Karpov System: Main LIne
20 Eleventh Move Alternatives for Black
21 Eleventh Move Alternatives for White
22 10...Nb6
23 Tenth Move Alternatives for White
Index of Variations